10×10 Map v1.0 Mod

10×10 Map v1.0 Mod
Hello! I present to you a new card called 10×10, but the card is not 10×10 in size, but the map contains 10×10 forgotten by God technique.
This is a good old mod with the Urals, Kamaz and Kraz with a plug-in drive on a trailer! This technique will help to open the garage and fill up the sawmills. The card itself is 20×20 in size. And so on the map.
On the map:
– 3 Garages (one open)
– 1 Sawmill
– 3 loading points
– 7 Piloram
– 2 Refills
– 4 Intelligence Points
– 2 Starting cars (if desired, can be replaced)
And on the map itself there are 6 trucks.
P.S. For the card, nothing needs to be downloaded; everything is written and done in the card.
Hint in Kamaz 3 garage points and fuel, and in the Urals 1 garage point which you will find on the map.