CAT 745c – Articulated Truck 1.1 Mod

CAT 745c – Articulated Truck 1.1 Mod
Please update to v1.1 which removes explore flag for C18 engine
Background: Of all the vehicles in Snowrunner, one could argue the Cat 745c sits atop a list of platforms relegated to niche roles due to a crippling lack of capabilities which, paradoxically, can be found in the real-world vehicle.
Mission: What this mod strives to achieve is to gently overhaul the Cat 745c by providing additional capabilities to increase the value proposition when weighed against other platforms. This mod has not been designed to make the Cat overpowered / game-breaking–many of the original driving quirks and attachment limitations still exist to both 1) preserve the spirit of the real vehicle and Saber Interactive’s design choices and 2) nudge the player to adopt a multi-platform approach to the game rather than providing a single “uber-truck”. As such, this version of the Cat 745c will provide much greater functionality over the original vehicle when it comes to hauling cargo but will still lack the capabilities to perform specialized roles (e.g. dedicated crane/maintenance vehicle, high/low saddle, etc.).
Method: The Cat 745c retains all baseline capabilities / characteristics and now includes the following:
Use of sideboard and flatbed attachments
Use of all hitch-style trailers** (in conjunction with sideboard and flatbed attachments)
**Note: hitch-style trailers will attach to a “ghost” hitch because the in-game model lacks an attachment point. Outside of this anomaly, trailers function normally.
Access to raised suspension (~$9k)
The raised suspension is helpful in eliminating clipping with sideboard and flatbed attachments
Greater articulation motor (+50k torque)
350L fuel tank (+10L)
Upgradable Cat C18 engine (+15k torque over Westline V16 M2450; ~$38k)
Unlockable at level 1
To reflect the additional capabilities, the vehicle price has been increased by $35k (~$167k).
Installation: Click to subscribe. This will not replace the original vehicle; look for a separate “Cat 745c Articulated Truck” listing in the truck store.
Limitations: I have not tested this in MP; my assumption is it will not work unless all parties have the mod installed.
Kudos: Big shout out to SHAD0WYDR3AMS for the inspiration for this mod.
Thanks for dropping by and let me know your thoughts in the comment section below or by voting for the mod; cheers!