Subtle Reshade 1.0 Mod


Subtle Reshade 1.0 Mod

I don’t like how other Reshade’s turn up the black levels and crush the shadows. What this Reshade does is remove the washed out effect without diminishing details in shadows. I have also included additional shaders from git-hub. Please feel free to tweak to your liking, I think this is a good base to start with.

To Install:

Unzip the archive
Install ReShade_Setup.exe in the game
Go to the directory with SnowRunner.exe (example C:\Epic Games\SnowRunner\en_us\Sources\Bin)
Paste into the folder “Subtle Reshade.ini” which is in the archive
Go to the directory with SnowRunner.exe (example C:\Epic Games\SnowRunner\en_us\Sources\Bin\reshade-shaders)
Replace the “Shaders” folder with “Shaders” folder included in the archive(This is not necessary if you download all the shaders when installing Reshade)
In the game, press the Home button on the keyboard and select Subtle Reshade

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What is Snowrunner / Mudrunner mods?

Snowrunner mods / Mudrunner Mods are like a boost for game players. But the problem is that not everyone knows what these mods are for. If you’re one of them too, don’t worry. We’re here to help you. Snowrunner mods are like tools to change or to upgrade the game however you want. If some colors, sounds or textures are bothering you, you can simply change them. If you want more trucks, maps or other vehicles – you can easily implement them. And all can be done just by using mods for Snowrunner. Want to hear some more great news? All the Snowrunner / Mudrunner mods are completely free. Most probably you’ve already understood how beneficiary these Snowrunner mods PC can be. So don’t waste your lifetime opportunity to do whatever you want with Snowrunner / Mudrunner game and download all the mods you want now. You’ve deserved to feel the real pleasure of gaming.

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