Snowrunner Multitool (Tweaks, Backups (planned)) 1.0.0 Mod

Snowrunner Multitool (Tweaks, Backups (planned)) 1.0.0 Mod
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Plans // Future plans:
1. Backup / restore saves by keyboard shortcuts // Backup / restore saves by hotkeys
2. Save the list of applied tweaks and allow to quickly apply them after the game was updated
3. Special tweaks (High-saddle trailers for low-saddle trucks, scout trailers for trucks and truck scouts trailers (why did you separate them at all?)) // Special tweaks (High saddle traillers to Low saddle trucks, scout trailers to trucks and truck trailers to scouts (why they are different?))
(Need help translating into English, for a larger audience)
Are the trucks consuming too much fuel and is it impossible to transport cargo on maps without gas stations? Do the winches seem too short or weak, and is it too long to unlock upgrades and trucks by level? Change everything you didn’t like in a few mouse clicks. More options will be added later, or you can manually add your tweaks to the program (the configuration file will be created after the first launch). Modify using the original game files (the first time you use tweaks it will be suggested to backup), or the current files (including those with installed mods). The program will unpack the necessary files from the game archive, make the selected changes and pack everything back into the archive.