Azov 73210 Raised with US Cranes 1.0.0 Mod

Azov 73210 Raised with US Cranes 1.0.0 Mod
Despite being a powerful chassis, it was clearly designed as a dedicated crane vehicle, with a low cab to keep it from becoming too high for overpasses and such. The downside of this, however, is that the roads in Snowrunner aren’t what you might call ‘ordinary’. As a result, it tends to nose-dive into most dips and elevations, even on reasonably shallow road sections.
Additionally, the preview icon of the Azov 73210 shows it with the US red crane, whilst it cannot equip it by default.
With this small mod, both of those things are rectified, with the suspension raised and the cranes changed from the RU to the US versions.
Installation methods:
Subscribe & enable in-game via the mod section – Doesn’t work in COOP as of now.
Click on and download the ‘manual’ zip, back up the initial.pak file in C:\\SnowRunner\en_us\preload\paks\client and replace it with the included initial.pak – Works in COOP.
In case you have another custom mod you wish to preserve: open your custom initial.pak with winrar and add the ‘classes’ folder from the ‘manual’ zip to it. Make sure you back up the original and custom ones.
suspension height front 0.16 -> 0.3
suspension height rear 0.14 -> 0.25
large crane RU disabled
Large crane US enabled
Mini crane changed from RU to US