BigDubz Rock Pack v1.0

BigDubz Rock Pack v1.0
Hello all, this is a new custom rock model mod I decided to share with Snowrunner community. The reason for this is my hope to share the rock crawling experience with other users and map creators. This is a new experiment mod that I hope goes over well. If it does, I will then share some other things with the community.
These models were built around the old Nix rock models from MR Spintires days. Nix gave out his rocks as a way to stimulate rock crawling in Spintires and I wanna carry on that tradition. Not only that, I wanna help stimulate unity in the community by sharing these and other models. So please don’t abuse the work.
Please credit Me (TnB BigDubz420) when using.
Here is the instructions for installation:
1. Download the mod for manual install from the mod page:
2. Unzip files to a location on your desktop.
3. Copy the folder called Media in the zip file.
3. Paste the files into the following location: C:Documents\My Games\SnowRunner
4. Open the Editor, hit the show all files button in the editor, you will now see the rocks under meshes folder.
5. Click on each xml to load the rock for the first time. (If its white or not showing up you didn’t copy the files to the right location.)
6. Strat adding them to your map. (Tip: When adding models in the editor who can use the search feature to sort models, Enter DBZ to find my stuff. )
These are the same models from my new map Goliath’s Peak. I modeled each of these in blender and use a verity of tools to texture and finish out the rocks.