C.C.M. Toledo Windowbox v1.0.1

C.C.M. Toledo Windowbox v1.0.1
Public Preview Build. Will turn back to private by the end of the day until the final update is complete.
I am releasing this build a little early. There is a little more to be done but I felt like what is left doesnt really take anything away from it.
things left to do..
1. interior mirror and gauge background and needles
2. flares for the lights on back of the safari top
3. names blocks and addon requirements so that addons can’t be overlapped(I believe its just the tailgate with the safari top. and I want to limit the soft doors to only the soft top.)
4. add a Scout trailer and addon shifts for the bumpers with a hitch.
5. any ideas that are presented to me that I like after it goes back private tonight.
C.C.M. is very proud to present the Toledo Windowbox, the Windowbox is a classic trail rig built in a traditional style. spring over conversion, and a v8 swap. Built in 2003 in the c.c.m shop the windowbox was built to be an everyday classsic trail rig. With the tub being from the 50’s and the front being from a newer model, this truck is kind of a mutt of sorts. when it was dropped off at the shop it was a few different trucks in a box, luckily we were able to put it together and have it come out as good as it did. However this particular specimen comes complete with all 3 tops that were available at the time, as well as 2 different sets of doors so I guess making 1 out of 3 didnt turn out half bad.