CAT 680 Crazy Horse 2.5 Mod

CAT 680 Crazy Horse 2.5 Mod
Subscribe works, be patient on the download it takes awhile due to the custom sounds. Let me know if you find any bugs.
3 Suspensions, Reverse Leveled, lifted with max articulation, and lifted with stiff springs
Hotrod C18, and C15. Realistic fuel consumption for high horsepower
(3) different Manual Transmissions. Low is 1st gear, Auto is 2nd, High is 3rd
5 Speed Auto Transmission
10 Speed Auto Transmission
All New Engine Sounds
Train Horn
Loud Turbo Spool
Multiple levels of Black Smoke!!!
Black Wheels
Tires are “Studded” instead of chained.
Stronger Minicrane
Added Cab lights and a Light Bar
Flatbed, sideboard, fuel, etc. addons
Better Looking Cab protector
Double Spare Tire Rack
Raised front bumper
Removed the glitchy CAT visor and replaced it with the Twin Steer Visor.
Pulls Scout Trailers, Semi Trailers, and Regular Trailers
Electric Winches