Distributions for Spintires Editor v1.0.1

Distributions for Spintires Editor v1.0.1
Distributions for Spintires Editor – brushes file with XML extension from this mod with prescribed plants (sunflower, hemp, pumpkin, reed) for applying them with a brush in the map editor. For those who do not want to “steam” with a registration for some reason. I advise you to pre-save the original file from the editor for reverse replacement. It makes sense for map makers to download this material if you want to see exactly these materials on your map: 1, 2, 3, 4.
All good and interesting, beautiful cards!
Version 1.0.1 for SpinTires (v03.03.16):
I took this material for a new map, and there are errors in the XML – I fixed it. And yes, for the material under the number 3 I made a registration (plant 01 version 3 for Spintires: MudRunner). All good!