DT-75 test version MudRunner

DT-75 test version MudRunner
An envelope of the original fashion from woodingot from SpinTires (v03.03.16) .
DT-75 (75M, B, K, B, MV, N, D, ML) is a caterpillar agricultural tractor for general use. The most mass caterpillar tractor in the USSR. In 2013, the Volgograd Tractor Plant celebrated the 50th anniversary of the start of the DT-75 production. The tractor gained a good reputation due to a successful combination of high performance (simplicity, economy, maintainability) and low cost.
-3 versions of the tractor of different colors,
-11 of their addons,
-Special animated addon, which appears in the list of add-ons of trucks. It is intended both for transportation of the tractor itself, and for any other equipment!
– Your sound,
-View from the cabin and various animations (animated levers in the cockpit, harp, fan, springs and other mechanisms).
For turning, you do not need to block the differential. – A
special animated addon, which appears in the list of add-ons of trucks. It is intended both for transportation of the tractor itself, and for any other equipment!
-The driver is like an addon.
Attention: Mod without SpintiresMod will not work.