Enhanced Intl Loadstar 1700 “RockCrawler” M181 1.0.0 Mod

Enhanced Intl Loadstar 1700 “RockCrawler” M181 1.0.0 Mod
The vanilla Loadstar is an interesting animal. It’s a scout, but it’s a big boy. Not quite nimble enough to keep up with the CK1500, but not quite mean enough to play with the Fleetstar. So I figured, why not give it modifications that let it cover both bases?
This is another one of my traditional Enhanced Series mods, with everything you’ve come to expect, with one little twist. Because the Loadstar is a heavy truck, I’ve given it the HD treatment.
Changes over the stock Loadstar 1700 include:
– More visual and performance customization options
– Fleetstar and Transtar engines
– CrawlerBox HD transmission
– Tuned RockCrawler ultimate suspension
– More wheels & tires
– Changed sound set
– Larger fuel tank to compliment the bigger engines
– Ability to tow medium trailers
– No region lock
I recommend getting FOXCRF450RIDER’s Off Road Trailers mod if you plan lifting the truck in any capacity. Those are the trailers used in the pictures.
If you have any comments or concerns, please let me know. And if it’s something that needs to be adjusted, I will group things together and release a patch. Any reviews or ratings are also appreciated.
Version history:
15 Aug 2020 – 1.0.0
– Initial release (See front page for changes over stock 1700)