Gazelle NEXT mod

Gazelle NEXT mod
An envelope of an excellent mod from the game SnowRunner from the author k0les0. There are two cars in fashion, differences in color.
From addons:
– GAZ logo;
– Bumper;
– Spoiler, kenguryatniki;
– Board with cargo, awning-rem, booth-garage;
– Fuel barrel and so on.
There are many more interesting add-ons that can be installed on the onboard platform. But since there is a lot of this and I could not think of what application to prescribe for it (cargo, garage, fuel or repair), I did not assign any usefulness to them, add-ons can simply be transported. Whoever knows how to write them the functionality himself. Wheels from this mod.
P.S. The envelope was given to me very hard, tortured him for a long time, and he me. It is quite possible that I missed something, write, if there is anything serious, I will correct it.