GWC G-150 v1.0.1

GWC G-150 v1.0.1
First and foremost, I feel the need to disclose this was a commissioned truck which I was compensated for. They are a console player and console mods must be made public for approval.
Ok, so this was based on my client’s real life truck. I had a checklist of parts that were required to be put on to mimic his truck to the best of my abilities. Beyond that, I was given some artistic freedom to add things as I saw fit. So, GlitchWorks Customs is proud to present the GWC G-150.
As per usual, we have 3 engine options, 3 gearboxes, and 3 suspension setups. We also have 3 tires sizes with a variety of tire and rim styles.
For optional parts, we have two front bumpers, two roof racks, a tool box, fuel can, spare tire, and a roll bar. Not quite as much as some other trucks that GWC has built, but they are all very fitting for the style of truck that this is.
PLEASE NOTE: I am aware the rear view mirrors do not work. I tried to troubleshoot them repeatedly, but could not get them to agree with me and play nice. Rather than have random lines and patterns in the mirrors, I opted to shut them off and just leave a silver face instead. The gauges were also another sticking point. Trying to use the gauge cluster from the actual truck meant the needles would not move. Sorry to disappoint. The client is aware of these things and they are not issues for him, which is ultimately what matters most.