History-Sorting 2 Map v1.1
History-Sorting 2 Map v1.1
So, after completing the work in the taiga forests, you receive a new task order for the transportation of timber from the Sortirovochnaya station.
But while you were working, Fedor worked his shifts and taking his little things, filling the rest of the fuel from the tank, drove home in his KAMAZ, leaving you literally without everything.
There are no options! You need to find Fyodor, express everything that you think about him))) and again borrow garage parts from him, since the previous team left you an empty garage at the station! To be continued…
On the map:
– 1 Garage (closed);
– 1 Gas Station;
– 1 point of loading;
– 4 points of intelligence;
– 5 Sawmills;
– 7 Cars + 6 slots;