Kodar Desert v1.0.0

Kodar Desert v1.0.0
Kodar Desert is inspired by the Chara Sands in Siberia, Russia. On this map you will find a small desert surrounded by rugged mountains. The climate is dry and cold, rain hardly ever falls here.
Help Kodar Tours to rebuild the old helicopter base, repair the buildings and get the radar working again. For the guests who want to visit the Kodar Desert, the new hotel also needs to be finished and the guests themselves need your help. Besides the missions for Kodar Tours, there are other transport missions for the local sawmill and the local administration.
This map will bring you a new generation of super realistic terrain and landscapes. The map was made with the use of real world Digital Elevation Data and I optimised the map a lot to generate an extremely realistic landscape. Height-, colour- and material-layer are generated from the same data set and will offer you a.
2000m x 1800m
Russian region with RU and US shop
1x Garage, 1x Trailershop, 2x Fuelstations
various places to discover
10 missions and 26 contracts to discover
custom models
custom weather
additional vehicles and trailers to find
super realistic terrain made with ESA/NASA Digital Elevation Model datasets
full translations for: English, German, Russian (automated translation, not perfectly correct)
There are some logging missions, I recommend to use mods that add better addons for logging than the defaut ones.
If you find a bug, feel free to write a comment or send me a PM via ****** or the official Discord, thanks!
I had to remove some missions for the excavation camp in the middle of the desert due to problems with new features that are not 100% working. I hope I can add them later.