MAZ-6317 6X6 Truck v25.11.17 MudRunner

MAZ-6317 6X6 Truck v25.11.17 MudRunner
Mod adds MAZ-6317 6 × 6 for SpinTires MudRunner is a flatbed truck with increased cross-country capacity that is produced by the Minsk Automobile Plant since the times of the USSR and is used in a variety of ways.
This model has a full animation of all parts of the body, the instrument panel is changed which is made for the original, also has its own engine sound and can carry its cargo due to its addons which 16 pieces, also there is support for 10 standard add-ons. Among his addons he has such as:
Several side bodies with the possibility of carrying garage and repair points
Is there a tank to transport fuel
Service cart with 800 points of repair
Several trailers dissolving with the ability to carry short and medium logs
And many other add-ons that affect the appearance
Version 25.11.17 for Spintires: MudRunner (v07.11.17):
added off-road wheels (for the model thanks to Eugene Pokemone)
added fuel blobs and air intake
fixed bug of cargo drop-off by long dissolution
being in the cockpit through the window to the left you can see the compass
minor fixes and fixes