Merc G63 6X6 v2.2

Merc G63 6X6 v2.2
Engine:3.3L_V6 / 4.0L_V6 / 4.5L_V8
Gearbox:5-speed Stock / 5-speed Highway / 4-speed Off-road
Suspension: Stock / Raised /Active / Cargo
Winch: Stock , Autonomous Scout, Autonomous Scout Extended.
Tires: Seasonal / mud / off-road
Diff. Lock: Always On
Frame Addons: Several Body customisation options
Roof Top: lights / roofrack / spares
Bumpers: N/A
Misc: Full range of customisation options
Exhaust: n/a
Rims: N/A
Dashboard Full working gauges with high attention to detail.
Full selection of colour options
Interior Customization
Bubbleheads. Custom Air freshener soon to be added