RNG Zentos v1.0.0

RNG Zentos v1.0.0
I prepared the Zentos Console version after about a month of work and demand. At the same time, Remastered branded PC version was updated.
My goal like always is to create a realistic replica of the real vehicles.
Every single part of the model (interior, exterior, addons, tires and many more) and texture was created from scratch, with meticulous detail and lot’s of love.
The Truck has custom addons and tires to start, but will be updated with tons of new features and customization over time, like new bumpers etc.
– Custom cargo beds and Tent-Maintainer addon.
– Radar Addon
– Rear Crane
– Unique Customizations
– Spare tire rack, supply boxes etc
– Variety of unique tire types and configurations
– Includes two original game cranes with increased power and capability.
– Much More..