Sharing Vehicles list in SnowRunner game

Sharing Vehicles list in SnowRunner game
Lets try to list here the vehicles from Snowrunner. I dont believe we will get it soon from devs.
All pics and discussions can be found below, this first post is updated by me to list all “confirmed” vehicles.
So please put here your investigations with pics.
(this thread not for suggestions)
Scouts (A class)
GAZ 69A; 4×4; 1952-1972
Special Vehicles
GAZ 59037А; 8×8; 1988 – now
TRECOL 39294; 6×6; 2005 – now
(or its a Grizzly)
Scouts (A class)
International Scout (model-?); 4×4; 19xx?
Oshkosh M1070; 8×8; 1992 – present
Freightliner M916A3; 6×6; 2001-?
International FleetStar; 6х4; 1962 – 1977