Tardo Autunno Map v1 MudRunner

Tardo Autunno Map v1 MudRunner
We continued with my new friend from Italy, to work as guides on timber trucks day after day, month after month.
And then one fine, early morning, going out into the street, we suddenly saw that everything around, literally changed within a day, everything became yellow and beautiful.
Well, autumn came, too late for our place, “I said.
Yes – “tardo autunno” he confirmed.
We shook hands and went each to our car.
So, what was waiting for us in the new area:
– 1 Garage (closed)
– 1 Refueling
– 1 Lesopoval
– 4 Loading points
– 6 Sawmills
– 8 Points of exploration
– 3 Random cars
– 4 Auto on start (replaceable)
– Territory large 1km x 1km