There on narrow tracks 2 Map v1.0

There on narrow tracks 2 Map v1.0
Map “There on narrow paths 2.” This is a continuation of the previous one, but this one is a little bigger and more complicated. As well as the previous one, it has steep ascents / descents, cliffs along the roads, small mud puddles, swampy / just with mud. There are hidden roads, you may even have to look. Garage parts are scattered across the map (8 points in total for multiplayer). Somewhere you have to use a winch. Caution and slowness are the main qualities on this card. As the saying goes, “Speed is important when catching fleas.”
The card was tested on board. platform + board. trailer and short release (the long one will not fit at the entrance to the 4th file), both on default and on mod. auto. (KAMAZ 65228). Do not take big cars, the map was drawn by default. I advise beginners to think 100 times before downloading this map. Good luck!
– Size: 840×680;
– Garage: 1 (closed);
– Sawmills: 5;
– Refueling: no (refuellers are placed on the map);
– Scouting points: 4;
– felling: 1;
– Loading point: 2;
– Random loading: no;
– Transport at the start: 3;
– Transport on the map: 8.