Ural Next Conversion 1.0.3 Mod

Ural Next Conversion 1.0.3 Mod
This adds a new Voron Grad renamed Ural Next with proper engine names, transmission options, fuel tank size, and the lift kit is also upgraded a bit, and the truck is region unlocked as well.
It also introduces some ranking difficulties aside from being able to acquire the truck at rank 1. I increased the purchase price to compensate for this ability.
I am sharing this because its something I use personally.
I won’t really update it or change it much unless absolutely necessary.
Thanks for stopping by.
UPDATE – Sorry folks, I made some stupid mistakes because I forgot I started from Vanilla files, and not my own modded files. Sorry for wasting any of your time. ALL should be fixed now.
This is tested to only work in SP. Manual install will only cause errors. Sorry.