World map v1.1

World map v1.1
Maximum size card. The map is not complicated, for default or close cars.
On the map:
– Piloram: 7;
– Garage: 1 (closed);
– Sawmill + loading point: 1;
– Slots for cars: 4 (do not change the Urals);
– There are 4 more cars on the map (KamAZ 6522, Gas 66, Kraz, Kirovets);
– 13 intelligence points (all on the road).
With the map there is a mod for the changed location names (slightly changed) by Dmitry Bogelman (Bogelma). Some files need to be moved to the zip archive, if not moved – instead of heaps of rubble there will be something incomprehensible. Have a nice trip”!
Version 1.1 for SpinTires (v03.03.16):
Forgot to save the map. What changes – I do not know, everything works. But just in case, corrected. At the same time, the noticed omissions are finalized. Refinement, in places still added dirt. Who has already started can replace it (you only need files from the levels folder).
P / S I forgot to note above on the map my sound by the river (barge). To delete it later, delete the env folder (2 files water_flow) from the sounds folder.